SEO and Content Writing: Are Both Needed For Articles In Blogs?

SEO and Content Writing

SEO and Content Writing

There was a time when the public respected writers as a rare breed. The public looked up to them with respect and envy. The reason, not everyone can write. But now, the trend has changed. The popularity of the internet and e-commerce has hit an all-time high. More than 50 percent of the people create content. In their own way. Some are passionate and achieve name and fame. Other, pen their memoirs on their website merely for the sheer joy of having an online presence. In this article, you gain the fine nuances of whether SEO and content writing are both needed to make your blog articles become popular.

But it is the businesses that have taken a hard hit. Digital marketing has stormed the traditional advertising bastion. Even technological changes have contributed to the changes. Every marketing expert, worth their salt, knows about the three types of writers –

One who can write content to keep visitors glued to the website.

The second type is the one focusing on SEO friendly sentences. Please note, we are focusing only on white hat SEO.

The third ones are the rare breed, who can write attractive and SEO viable content.

Do you want your business to achieve success in the digital world? Then every piece of content should adhere to SEO guidelines. We mean the right from the web page words to blog posts to ads and even the third party publishing items. Can you achieve this rare combination? Then the mission to come to the top position in the specific category of business becomes possible. This point is the real success of digital marketing. The end result – you need both SEO and content writing to make a website or business blog come high in the rankings.

In this article, we will decide about content strategies for the digital success of any business.

1) Keyword Research:

Keyword Research

The essential part of any article in recent times. But as mentioned above, there are some who dispute that keyword research, SEO and content writing can drive a  wedge in their writing skills. Their article just stays on the internet. If you are a personality and pour out the words, it gets lapped up by your loyal fans. But for a novice or upcoming writer who is yet to make a mark, you need to have a keyword strategy before you start writing the content.

2) Related Keyword List:

The job is a challenging task. You need to pick the keywords that are in relevance to the website and the target audience. Yes, you have to spend some time in creating the list. It will, work wonders.

3) Headlines Are Important:

Headlines Are Important
Image by Pixabay

So, how do you select an item when shopping? By the shop’s attractive looks. Even for a new movie, the trailer should look promising. You have done the research and taken care to include the right words. But if the content is not attractive, all the hard work can go down the drain.

They say the first impression is the best impression. And it gets done within the first seven seconds. For a title? Be ready to grasp the duration. It is a mere two seconds.

You should keep the keyword in the title. And it has to abide by the following instructions.

Give in pleasant words how to complete an activity for the customer’s problem.

Establish trust. Quote from reputed sources.

Create an aura of curiosity.

Engage the reader in the conversation.

Example. If you include odd numbers in the title, for example, 7 jaw-dropping ideas for house cleaning, then it may generate interest.

4) Keyword Research Completed:

The task is on focusing to write the content. Now throw SEO out of the window. Put your entire energy on only writing the content. But never forget the fact that SEO and content writing go together. It will help you in the last stages.

5) Mindset:

There are many who practice different activities when writing an article. Some put an earphone and listen to their favorite music. Others work when deadlines matter to them. Do whatever you want, but do not take part in the spinning option.

6) Write:


It is the first draft. So, at the initial stage, understand the topic and concept. Explain it in simple words. Yes, the ideas may come at a slow pace, but once in the groove, the words can flow.

Writing experts have one advice. Leave the mind to put the ideas in the paper. Then you can create wonderful sentences and short paragraphs.

7) Writer’s Block:

You can find articles all over the internet on this topic. But for many, it is an excuse. The brain has stopped working. You can delay the beginning time. The best definition for writer’s block is the personal motivation to creativity. There are different ways of getting over the block, but what matters is the passion for words. And the enthusiasm to play with them to enthrall the minds of readers.

8) Organize:

You have started. Now also take these answers in prominence. You should always have an end in mind.

What do you want to achieve by writing this article?

What is your company’s mission?

Do you feel the need to include call-to-action?

9) Return to SEO:

Have you finished the first draft? Are you good with synonyms? Now it is time to return to SEO tactics. Now read the draft and start making changes.

The best strategy is to put yourself in the minds of the reader. Take time to place many keywords in the article. The reader should never get the notion that SEO and content writing is in the article. These criteria can get more views. Remember, the keywords should not appear stuffed. If possible, remember to put the keywords in the titles. They carry more weight.

10) Meta Descriptions:

Meta Descriptions

This is not a ranking factor as per Google search engine. But it has a profound effect on the number of clicks. The meta description can add to the aura of the title. Do not forget the important point. The small number of words should involve both SEO and content writing principles. In fact, the meta description should make a viewer click on the article from the internet.

11) Optimize:

Ensure the optimization gets done in the following structures.

URL structure.

Sub Heading (H2, H3)


Images with the proper alt text.

12) Linking:


It is mandatory to give importance to your internal links. Ensure that the tag and link get to the appropriate word.

The external link – ensure you tag the proper words to an article website which is of repute and has a higher DA and PA.

13) Before Publish, Check Again:

Revision is necessary. The reason, article is the representative of your personal or company on the internet. But there exist a few blocks.

You have written the content. You have gone through again and again. So it is easy to miss the errors. So ask your teammate to read the content. He/she may find the minor errors.

Or else, there is another way around. Just ensure the article is safe. Do other tasks and come to the article. You have a refreshing mind to pick and correct the errors.

14) Final Step: Get Social Media Platforms Online

Social Media Platforms Online

Now put the social media platforms on the form. Post the article in every online platform. It is mandatory to post the article on every platform relevant to your company or website. And ensure if the SEO and content writing tactics get added even in the words when you post the link. Your article will get the number of clicks.


Remember the basic fundamentals. The persons searching for a solution should find your content. The content must keep them on the website. There are two kinds of successes in this world. Long term and short term. Please note, when you mix SEO and content writing, the benefits are long term. When you make the potent combination, it will become a strong digital content and the best ROI. Do not forget the fact, that the PPC ads get many clicks only for the best content.

Let us imagine a situation. You have a home maintenance company which caters to microwave oven service in Hyderabad. You have a website where customers can place their requests. You also have a blog section on the same website. The articles in the blog should contain topics regarding the problems faced by the microwave oven householders in Hyderabad. If mixed with SEO guidelines, the website will acquire the right place during searches. Your business can become a great success.

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Peter Lieu
Peter is full time blogger, writer and consultant provides tips, guides and articles related to lifestyle, tech, social media and business!


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