
WordPress 3.2 “Gershwin” released

Automattic has just release a Final Version of its long-awaited open source blogging and publishing platform known as WordPress 3.2 Gershwin. WordPress 3.2 Gershwin...

WordPress 3.0 RC3 (Release Candidate 3) Available for Download

We know all of use are waiting for the final release of Wordpress 3.0. The RC3 of WordPress 3.0 is now out for everyone...

Show related posts without a plugin

Displaying related posts is a very great way to help visitors staying longer on your blog. You can use a plugin, but you also...

10+ Excellent WP Plugins for daily use!

Plugins can extend WordPress to do almost anything you can imagine and the greatest thing that You don’t need to have great coding skills...

WordPress 2.8 Widgets Options Page

In the current trunk of WordPress is a "first run" of the new widget management available to see. This is a development version, it...

WordPress 3.0 Beta 1

WordPress has been release its first beta of WordPress 3.0.  In a late-night announcement Jane Wells, the UX lead at Automattic, laid out some...

A Huge Collection of WordPress Code

If you are a theme designer, or just enjoy customizing your existing WordPress theme, it can sometimes be a hassle digging around for the...

WordPress 2.8.1 Release Candidate 1

Just a quick note that WordPress 2.8.1 RC 1 is out. Damn close to a final release at this point, and it’s looking pretty...

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