Show related posts without a plugin

Displaying related posts is a very great way to help visitors staying longer on your blog. You can use a plugin, but you also...

WordPress Implements Jcrop

With the upcoming version 2.8 of WordPress, the extension to the JavaScript library jQuery Jcrop is implemented. Jcrop allows directly into a web application...

WordPress 3.1 Release Candidate 2 is out now

WordPress released the second release candidate for WordPress 3.1 and now available for download. As we mentioned in the last announcement for RC1, release candidates...

WordPress 2.8.1 Release Candidate 1

Just a quick note that WordPress 2.8.1 RC 1 is out. Damn close to a final release at this point, and it’s looking pretty...

How to Only Show Posts With a Specific Custom Field

Sometimes you only want to show posts that you’ve added a specific custom field to. For instance, lets say you write songs and movie...

How to Create user-defined RSS feeds in WordPress

If you need a custom RSS feed, like for example, a feed indexing only somes categories + tags, or if you redirected all WordPress...

Exporting and Importing WordPress

This tutorial will cover exporting your web host wordpress to a localhost host. Assume you are done with the web host WordPress development, it...

Everything you need to know about SSL certificates

SSL: Secure Sockets Layer is a standard security tool used today in order to establish a link between the server/ website and the client/...

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